Young Ladies of Worthing Enrichment Program – Established – April 2010
Purpose – A program established to provide ongoing intervention that nurtures, instructs and models
behaviors that support the students, all grades, while attending Worthing along with preparation for
graduation through the following paradigms:
• Social
• Cultural
• Academic
• Parental
• Business
• School
• Community
Since the initiation of the program, approximately four hundred fifty, (450) students have been involved
with the program. Surveys are conducted at the end of each session:
Program overall attendance – (75%)
• Graduation for students exposed to the program – (85%)
• Parental involvement – (30%)
• Students giving back to the community post attendance (60%)
Programs funded for students
• Pipeline to College
• Uniforms
• Business Courses – check writing, business plan, etc.
Laptop Program – Established 2015-2016
Worthing students were provided laptops for use in the classroom. HISD pays for the laptops; however,
student must pay $25.00 each year for insurance on the equipment. The Evan E Worthing Senior High
School Alumni Association assisted students who were unable to pay the insurance fee.
Colts Enrichment Program – Established 2012
The ‘Colt Enrichment Program’ is an expansion of the ‘Young Ladies Enrichment’ program. The name
has been changed to include the male students that attend Worthing. The program has been expanded to
provide the same structure for male and female students of Worthing. The team saw a need to help
educate, promote and nurture students and their families regarding the enormous benefit of the ‘HCC –
Dual Credit’ program. Throughout our engagement with our youth, we have identified the importance of
incentivizing students to help foster a mentality of hope for ‘what comes next’, post-graduation. The
opportunity to graduate with college credits (3-18 hours), could be a huge motivator for our young people.
Many are not aware of the opportunities and do not apply themselves appropriately for what happens
The program helps to enforce the many positive attributes of a system that can give them a head start on
their futures. The students can attend college or not, but the opportunities need to be presented and
enforced for our young people to address the many challenges and opportunities they will surely face in
the future.