2023 Golf Tournament
The relationship that is fostered with the school administration and EEWAA allows constant
communication to identify needs that arise throughout the school year. The organization has been
intentional in identifying and supporting these upcoming events of 2023.
• Band’s trip to Washington, D.C. to march in the Fourth of July Parade
• Sunny side Takeover (with a focus on increasing Alumni Membership)
• All Black High School Picnic (annually end of September)
• E.E. Worthing Legends Golf Tournament (date of Sept 25 at Quail Valley Golf Club)
• Thanksgiving Dinner for seniors in the Sunny side community
• Prom makeover for senior prom girls
• School supplies at the beginning of the school year, dorm bundles and supplies for high school
seniors bound for college.
As with any organization we also want to ensure we build on the success of previous events and prepare
our calendars, emails and brochures with pertinent information that will allow for continued success.